The next frontier is often the one you’ve been neglecting the most. And everyone around you can tell, even if you can’t see it.
We often believe the biggest threats to our success exist outside of us. But what if we are what is holding us back?
How would you know? Would you want to?
Download the Emotional Health+Intelligence Assessment
Let us help you address your blind spots so you can take on your next great adventure.
Why is congruence important when it comes to emotional health and emotional intelligence?
Achieving internal congruence means we’re aware of both what’s happening inside us as well as around us with other people.
We’ve all been in situations where we’ve felt angry or overwhelmed, lost control of ourselves, and said or done things we later regret.
What if you could have a do-over? What if you didn’t have to spend the next 30 years repeating the same mistakes, injuring the same important relationships?
Internal congruence, especially in goal-oriented leaders, is important because it can affect the influence we have on others and change the temperature of the room—all for better or worse.
Get started and get a jump on what will set you apart from other leaders: Take the assessment and transform what’s going on inside you.